4,161 feet | ranked 32/46 in height | 4th peak climbed (repeat)
With both our previous High
Peaks hikes of the year out of the AuSable Club trailhead, Erin and I
were ready to switch things up a bit. On the hike out the Lake Road
after Sawteeth, we'd discussed our next options and were tempted to take
on something more challenging. Luckily, there are many such options.
Possibly a return to the Sewards? Or maybe knocking of the rest of the
Dix Range? However, as the middle of the week rolled around and I was
drooling all over the weather forecast for the upcoming weekend, Erin
expressed some hesitation due to a physical complication that had
cropped up since our last hike. After she consulted her doctor, who
wasn't terribly concerned about her going hiking, we talked again. We
both really wanted to get back in the mountains, but weren't
entirely sure her doctor fully understood what kind of hike we were
contemplating. The Seward Range is not your average stroll in the