May 23, 2020

FLT/NCT: East from Cheningo Day Use Area

For this hike on the Finger Lakes Trail (FLT), I parked at the Cheningo Day Use Area.  Frankie and I hiked east, up and over a ridge and back down to Cheningo Solon Pond Road, which we used as our turnaround point.  This is a repeat of a solo hike I did in very early spring back in 2017, so it was nice to return under different conditions to see the area greening up.  We knew there was a risk of rain, but Frankie reviewed the weather forecast and decided today would be the nicer day of the weekend, so out we went.  There were many spring wildflower in bloom, which always slows me down, but it didn't matter since this is a shorter hike.

We saw many, many red efts over the course of the hike, and stopped to visit with a few. 

eastern newt (Notophthalmus viridescens)

white trillium (Trillium grandiflorum)
I was surprised to find a new lean-to near the top of the ridge.  It's a beauty!  Although there doesn't seem to be a water source close at hand and it's quite a climb to get up there.  We enjoyed snacks there both on the way put and back.  Frankie can never resist an unoccupied lean-to.

two-leaved toothwort (Cardamine diphylla)
Canada violet (Viola canadensis)
downy yellow violet (Viola pubescens)
At the start of this hike, I had already hiked 98 miles on the North Country National Scenic Trail (NCT) in 2020.  Since this portion of the FLT is west of the Three Trails Junction, it carries the NCT, meaning I would complete my Hike 100 Challenge for 2020 today.  Frankie was very excited for me and kept asking after our progress.  When we hit the 2.0 mile mark, we built the number 100 with sticks to celebrate, snapped a few silly pictures, and continued on our way.  I was pleased, as I have completed this challenge before, but in October, not May.  One positive thing about this whole COVID situation is that we have been hiking on the FLT more, mostly because we are unable to participate in all the routine commitments that normally keep us off-trail.  Most sections of the FLT are very uncrowded, making them perfect for these strange times. 

Although I completed my miles today, I am going to hold of on registering my completion until Frankie gets his 100 miles, so we can receive our patches together.  [I will add a link to a Hike 100 Challenge summary page if I ever get enough of the hikes posted.  COVID has resulted in less time available for me to compile these posts.]

turnaround point

hooked crowfoot (Ranunculus recurvatus)
red elderberry (Sambucus racemosa)
We ended up doing a bit of trail running, as it started raining pretty hard on our return hike and Frankie decided we should run for the lean-to.  We got soaking wet anyway, but it made it fun for him rather than a slog.  It was plenty warm, so the rain actually felt good, and by the time we finished our snack, the showers had passed. 

The hike out from here is easy, all downhill with a bit of flat at the end.  Frankie always likes running down hill, so we ended up running some more.  MapMyRide tracked the hike at 6.1 miles with over 1,200 feet elevation gain.  Another great day in the woods!

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