November 20, 2019

Two FLT/NCT Roadwalks, with Bonus OCD

It has become my custom to use hunting season to complete roadwalks in my section hiking of the Finger Lakes Trail (FLT).  The gaps I went after today are big ones, not in distance, but in significance... because I have now hiked every single foot of the North Country National Scenic Trail between the two green marks on the map below, from partway through Danby State Forest in the southwest corner, to the end of the Erie Canal section in the outskirts of Rome, in the northeast corner.  So even though it was cold and rainy, it was an exciting day for me! 

November 7, 2019

FLT/NCT: South Danby Road to Route 96B

For this hike, I parked on in the small NYSDEC lot on South Danby Road and hiked east on the Finger Lakes Trail (FLT), which carries the North Country National Scenic Trail (NCT).  After about 1.0 mile, the trail turns north, then after a bit more, crosses the seasonal Travor Road.